紙 蕨 ── Wuba Yang 個展

2 0 2 1 .03. 26 (Fri) ~ 2 0 2 1 . 07  . 24 (Sat)















Paper Fern–Wuba Yang Solo Exhibition 

2 0 2 1 .03. 26 (Fri) ~ 2 0 2 1 . 07  . 24 (Sat) 


“Using ferns to pass down the traditional craftsmanship and culture of papercut, I expect to see more people pick up their scissors and reactivate their inborn creativity.”


Taiwan is a young land with an old soul, as well as a geologically young island rarely found in subtropical areas. It has been an asylum for animals since the ice age, breeding diverse species of all eras just like Noah’s ark. Among these species, ferns have been thriving on this land since the Cretaceous – that was more than a million years ago. Currently, there are 700 types of ferns growing on this tiny island, 60 of which are endemic species found solely in Taiwan, making the distribution density and types of ferns per square kilometres for Taiwan rank high in the world. With her ability to nurture most of the common types of ferns, Taiwan is quite a unique and blessed place.


In this special exhibition, Wuba came to Suho Memorial Paper Museum, where she met and felt diverse textures of handmade vintage paper and contemporary design paper. She cut and folded these pieces of paper to create lifelike ferns and represent the unique beauty of Taiwan’s ferns. The medium she used is paper made from plants. It looks like ferns but it never withers away.

Plants, paper, lifelike artworks – they form a life cycle which never ends. It’s like an art performance constantly inspired by nature and reflecting the actions and interactions of time and lives.




藝術家 簡介

Wuba Yang從事剪紙創作已有十年,擅長剪製動植物圖案,為快樂與分享⽽剪。2017年開始以臺灣蕨類為靈感,用紙材重現台灣常見及獨有的蕨類,藉由剪紙技巧與立體塑形展現各類植物不同姿態的美感,打造永遠長青的紙植物,避免活體植物的採集。希望讓人透過剪紙與紙材再現蕨類之美,跳脫傳統剪紙既定印象,讓逐漸式微的剪紙藝術以新的面貌延續下去。

Wuba Yang

Wuba has been engaged in paper-cutting creation for ten years with her passion and joy. Her specialities are in animals and plants. Since 2017, she presents the beauty and unique ferns in Taiwan by paper-cutting and 3D display. It creates the evergreen paper plants and avoids the collection of living plants. Through her paper-cutting practice, she hopes to attract more people to learn ferns and bring the ferns into daily life as paper forms. She shares the traditional paper-cutting with a modern twist to continue this fading art with a new look.



主辦單位 │樹火紀念紙文化基金會

展覽地點 │樹火紀念紙博物館 - 台北市中山區長安東路二段68號